Photograph by Anastasia Pagonas. Rebekah, a white woman with dark hair pinned back in a messy bun, looks down with a slight smile in a blurry black-and-white photo. There is a collage of colorful clay objects and paint splotches arranged on top of her head like a crown.

Rebekah Taussig is a Kansas City writer who lives in a house full of half-finished art projects, loud music, and a fussy family of tenderhearted snugglers. She writes to understand, to reclaim, and to participate in changing the cultural narratives we have around disability, motherhood, and what it means to live in a human body. She believes storytelling can change the world. Literally.

She earned her PhD from the University of Kansas, runs the Instagram platform @sitting_pretty, and authored the bestselling memoir Sitting Pretty.

After almost a decade of teaching in the traditional classroom, she has pivoted to full time writing and speaking. You can find her writing regularly on her substack, This Too.

An overhead view of Rebekah’s book, Sitting Pretty. Her hand is touching the bottom-left corner, and the pages are stuffed with colorful post-it notes.The cover is orange with scribbly text that reads “Sitting Pretty: The View From My Ordinary Resilient Disabled Body” surrounding the image of Rebekah sitting in her wheelchair with her arms stretching out, scribbles and sparkles tracing her wheels.

A photo taken from above of Rebekah sitting in her wheelchair holding a stack of books. Her hand rests on the stack of books. The title is written in yellow, We Are the Scrappy Ones. Between the words there's an illustration of a group of kids holding hands, their heads together.



Photograph by Anastasia Pagonas. Rebekah in black-and-white, sitting in her wheelchair, looking to the side with a grin.